The Intuitive Pull
Welcome to The Intuitive Pull podcast where you are invited to embrace the plans you didn’t make, where you’ll see that the deeper you go, the greater your wealth in your business and life - in all ways, and that authenticity is always profitable. You’ll hear from myself and guests each week so that your own intuitive pulls reveal themselves in response to failure, disappointment, regret and uncertainty....and joy! Let’s turn lead into gold. Artwork credit: Lusid Art @authenticgisele

Saturday Aug 27, 2022
Saturday Aug 27, 2022
Get an inside look into the power of Retreats as you hear my co-facilitator extraordinaire's process on retreat in the participant chair with our coach and his group.
You'll see through Michelle Richmond's experience how retreats are an extraordinary accelerator of the impact that we're here to make and how it's the magic that we love to gift through our safari retreats in Kenya, the following one occurring 1 - 13 November 2022.
Allow Michelle's awareness around the filter that she didn't know she had to catalyse your own enquiry around your own unconscious filters and create a new coherence with the impact that you are here to make.
If you're called to join us in Kenya in November please email me at or if you already know Michelle and/or myself please DM us through Messenger.
You can check out Michelle Richmond and get a taste for our November retreat here
If you'd like to receive more goodness in your inbox via a new weekly newsletter where I'll share more insights, stories about my own personal transformation journey, client wins, meditations and more, please subscribe here
If you feel it's the right time to ask for help by coaching with me, please complete a Coaching Application form where you'll get to know more about the coaching options and I'll get to know you better
Once I receive your application I'll contact you to book in a time to connect.
Or you can also DM me on Facebook or go the good old fashioned email route at
Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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Monday Aug 22, 2022
Monday Aug 22, 2022
This time the tables were turned and I was delightfully interviewed by Alana Mai Mitchell on her podcast 'Transformation In A Day' which is a truly brilliant podcast! You can find it here on Apple Podcasts
If you want to experience transformation in a day, and who wouldn't, an energetic shift is the way to have that. Listen in and take on your own transformation in a day.
If you'd like to connect with Alana about her coaching and retreat coming up in a few months, please do so here or you can email her at
If you'd like to receive more goodness in your inbox via a new weekly newsletter where I'll share more insights, stories about my own personal transformation journey, client wins, meditations and more, please subscribe here
If you feel it's the right time to ask for help by coaching with me, please complete a Coaching Application form where you'll get to know more about the coaching options and I'll get to know you better
Once I receive your application I'll contact you to book in a time to connect.
Or you can also DM me on Facebook or go the good old fashioned email route at
And if you're interested in attending the Retreat in Croatia in September or Kenya in November, please email me and we can chat.
Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
In this episode I have a conversation with my dear friend and peer Michelle Richmond who lives in Kenya and who I've co-facilitated two retreats with on Safari and will again in November.
Whether you're called to join us in Kenya or are activated through the journey that we take you on in this episode, we share the big magic that happens when you're on the land that is Kenya. As the outer landscape is so different to our normal day to day doings, similarly our hearts and minds blow wide open and become a new internal landscape from which we hear what we are called to seed, birth, accelerate or transition.
As we surrender guilt, shame, control, judgment and identities that belong to our past, what is new now has space to be seen.
This Retreat and episode particularly speaks to those who are already powerful, reminding you of the importance to give yourself the permission to be vulnerable again, to be courageous again, to give presence to the ache again such that the impact that you're here to make has an even greater depth and thus a greater breadth than what you have facilitated to date.
This episode is in memory of Rob Garsden who passed away earlier this year. Rob came on Retreat to Kenya in 2016 and as he told his friends and family, it was a retreat that changed his life.
If you're called to join us in Kenya 1 - 13 November 2022, please send me an email and let's explore. Email me at
You can check out Michelle Richmond and get a taste for our November retreat here
If you'd like to receive more goodness in your inbox via a new weekly newsletter where I'll share more insights, stories about my own personal transformation journey, client wins, meditations and more, please subscribe here
If you feel it's the right time to ask for help by coaching with me, please complete a Coaching Application form where you'll get to know more about the coaching options and I'll get to know you better
Once I receive your application I'll contact you to book in a time to connect.
Or you can also DM me on Facebook or go the good old fashioned email route at
Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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Friday Aug 05, 2022
Friday Aug 05, 2022
Listen to the inside workings of a Chairwoman and leader of a business who I have the privilege to coach.
As you listen to her process of digging deep you'll be able to appreciate the inside job of a leader. There are so many golden nuggets that have arisen through her coaching that initially I wanted to summarise it for my client, and then as I began to, the process took on a life of its own and with her permission I'm able to share it with you.
Allow this episode to catalyse or deepen your own inner workings of your leadership.
And to my treasured client, may this summary to date further embed who you have become, are becoming, have you receive just how phenomenal you are and allow those ripples to make a better, more loving world.
If you'd like to receive more goodness in your inbox via a new weekly newsletter where I'll share more insights, stories about my own personal transformation journey, client wins, meditations and more, please subscribe here
If you feel it's the right time to ask for help by coaching with me, please complete a Coaching Application form where you'll get to know more about the coaching options and I'll get to know you better
Once I receive your application I'll contact you to book in a time to connect.
Or you can also DM me on Facebook or go the good old fashioned email route at
Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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Monday Aug 01, 2022
Monday Aug 01, 2022
If you want to massively expand your comfort zone, then come learn from Leanne Minshull who recently ran in the federal election for the Tasmanian senate.
If you're being pulled to step up into your leadership, Leanne reminds you that the most powerful strategy is love and love can be really provocative, uncomfortable and create disturbance in service to a better humanity.
Leanne says that she picked her fears and if they were getting in the way she walked through them. She knows that she can only influence the external if she shifts the fears within her. In the episode she shares how she did that and what she found on the other side of her fears - a comfort zone that is so big that she feels she can now do anything she puts her mind towards, including her first sold out comedy show.
This episode calls on you to let go of some of your old ways, to become the apprentice again and to hold leadership in the context that it can be a joy versus the burden that many of us believe it is.
Leanne Minshull says 'I like to examine social and organisational structures, and then push the boundaries that need to be lent on. This has required me to walk into my personal fears until the fear - as all illusions do, fades and disappears. When I was in a position to operate above just hand to mouth survival, I got a law degree and a masters of law - it was the personal tool I needed to walk through my own perception of illegitimacy. It was the professional tool I needed to push back on legal and cultural structures that were driving dispossession, inequality and environmental destruction.
I have been involved in environmental and social justice activism, from concreting myself into a 44 gallon drum to halt work at a uranium mine, to being an associate director of a boutique ratings agency, to being sued by a large corporation and then seeding, trans-national litigation against climate crimes.
I have worked in politics, directly as a senior advisor for a federal senator and the chief of staff for a state minister. I have worked outside of politics helping to shape the landscape upon which politicians can make their decisions. Most recently I co-founded a political party aimed at pushing the boundaries of traditional party structures that are hierarchical and exclusionary.
I ran in the federal election for the Tasmanian senate. I didn't win. I am working towards future elections. My current project is launching my career as a stand up comedian - Leanne Minshull, Publican and Failed Politician.'
If you'd like to receive more goodness in your inbox via a new weekly newsletter where I'll share more insights, stories about my own personal transformation journey, client wins, meditations and more, please subscribe here
If you feel it's the right time to ask for help by coaching with me, please complete a Coaching Application form where you'll get to know more about the coaching options and I'll get to know you better
Once I receive your application I'll contact you to book in a time to connect.
Or you can also DM me on Facebook or go the good old fashioned email route at
Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
This is a bonus episode/meditation to support the integration of the previous episode 46 'How Far Can You Love?'
It's been created with love for you.
If you'd like to receive more goodness in your inbox via a new weekly newsletter where I'll share more insights, stories about my own personal transformation journey, client wins, meditations and more, please subscribe here
If you feel it's the right time to ask for help by coaching with me, please complete a Coaching Application form where you'll get to know more about the coaching options and I'll get to know you better
Once I receive your application I'll contact you to book in a time to connect.
Or you can also DM me on Facebook or go the good old fashioned email route at
Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
When we live intuitively, we live through and from the eyes of God. In this realm there are times when we are called to extend ourselves and to share our inner abundance so that the ripples are even more far reaching.
In this episode you're invited to feel into the questions - how far can you love? How expansive can you be? And watch what happens because the only consequence that can unfold from this place of sharing your inner abundance more greatly is - external abundance, for all.
You can use this episode also as a meditation if you close your eyes and listen with an open heart and mind.
If you'd like to receive more goodness in your inbox via a new weekly newsletter where I'll share more insights, stories about my own personal transformation journey, client wins, meditations and more, please subscribe here
If you feel it's the right time to ask for help by coaching with me, please complete a Coaching Application form where you'll get to know more about the coaching options and I'll get to know you better
Once I receive your application I'll contact you to book in a time to connect.
Or you can also DM me on Facebook or go the good old fashioned email route at
Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
In this episode I interview Lizzie Adams, someone who I adore and admire, whose life represents the reclaiming of our natural, authentic, God given power.
By the age of 22, a single mother who saw a gap in supportive literature for motherhood, Lizzie made one of the UK's largest publishers who acquired her concept, 33,000,000 pounds over the lifetime of the product. Lizzie went onto successfully launch 3 other projects - except there was one common denominator across all projects - she made nothing in return and lived on the breadline.
Lizzie's life is a journey from workaholism, poverty and disarray to the freedom that allows her to live her full potential with easeful abundance and champion that in others.
She's written the first draft of her book The Wounded Entrepreneur and dedicates her life to living from grace and the true definition of will.
If you are disillusioned, disappointed or have regrets about your life, this episode is a workshop in seeing what you have really been choosing (not what you think you've chosen) so that you can move out of your own workaholism, control, force and stress and live fully from the magic and miracles that are available on the other side of struggle.
I have a feeling that light bulbs will go off.
You can also check out Lizzie's work as Confidante here
If you feel it's the right time to ask for help by coaching with me, please complete a Coaching Application form where you'll get to know more about the coaching options and I'll get to know you better
Once I receive your application I'll contact you to book in a time to connect.
Or you can also DM me on Facebook or go the good old fashioned email route at
If you'd like to receive more goodness in your inbox via a new weekly newsletter where I'll share more insights, stories about my own personal transformation journey, client wins, meditations and more, please subscribe here
Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
The one who feels less than is the one who opens the door for more.
Open your heart as you listen to this tender episode with my darling friend Suzie De Jonge, author of The Untangling.
From the girl who felt invisible, who never felt like she fitted in, who was told to be seen and not heard, learn how Suzie untangled through the power of standing up and owning it all, through the arms of compassion and forgiveness and the act of surrendering and surrendering some more.
Suzie said that 'being invisible is one of the most unbearable pains ever'. I know that many within this podcast community will relate.
As someone who declared that she can't stand back and do nothing, be inspired by her greatest wish that we don't rob ourselves of the opportunity to love and be loved fully.
Allow this episode to crack you open into your own untangling.
Thank you Suzie for your generosity, vulnerability and enormous heart. I love you dearly.
To purchase Suzie's book, go here
PS: Suzie's daughter talented Alex Saba is the artist that created The Intuitive Pull Podcast image which I adore. You can connect with Alex here
If you feel it's the right time to ask for help by coaching with me, please complete a Coaching Application form where you'll get to know more about the coaching options and I'll get to know you better
Once I receive your application I'll contact you to book in a time to connect.
Or you can also DM me on Facebook or go the good old fashioned email route at
If you'd like to receive more goodness in your inbox via a new weekly newsletter where I'll share more insights, stories about my own personal transformation journey, client wins, meditations and more, please subscribe here
Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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Monday Jul 04, 2022
Monday Jul 04, 2022
Whilst grace can do the heavy lifting, sometimes grace is also a bitch!
I attended a Retreat as a participant a few weekends ago facilitated by the powerful Jason Snaddon and Penny Patterson and what arrived in my process was totally unexpected - unacknowledged thoughts and feelings that had been put to bed in the shadows of my consciousness.
Through the divine recipe of the retreat and what has unfolded since then I was reminded of a download that I received in meditation in 2017 - that we're being invited to transmute fear, pain, suffering such that nothing is left but love and freedom. 100% transmutation is not only possible, it's a reality that I have experienced within me and have enjoyed witnessing in clients. Look at Annie McDonnell's Powerfully Sober Episode 42 as a truly phenomenal example.
This process reminded me to fly this flag again for 100% transmutation and thus I recorded this episode.
In this episode I talk about our wounding around our masculine and feminine nature and the divine power that we embody when we become whole with the masculine and feminine within us, regardless of our gender.
I hope you will receive some penny dropping moments through the ripples of my current process.
If you'd like to attend the next Retreat that Jason and Penny are facilitating over the Spring Equinox in Bowral NSW, 21 - 24 September 2022, you can reach Jason Snaddon, The Abundance Activator here or Penny Patterson at
You can also coach with Jason or Penny. They are pretty spectacular coaches as evidenced on this Retreat.
If you feel it's the right time to ask for help by coaching with me, please complete a Coaching Application form where you'll get to know more about the coaching options and I'll get to know you better
Once I receive your application I'll contact you to book in a time to connect.
Or you can also DM me on Facebook or go the good old fashioned email route at
If you'd like to receive more goodness in your inbox via a new weekly newsletter where I'll share more insights, stories about my own personal transformation journey, client wins, meditations and more, please subscribe here
Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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