The Intuitive Pull

Welcome to The Intuitive Pull podcast where you are invited to embrace the plans you didn’t make, where you’ll see that the deeper you go, the greater your wealth in your business and life - in all ways, and that authenticity is always profitable. You’ll hear from myself and guests each week so that your own intuitive pulls reveal themselves in response to failure, disappointment, regret and uncertainty....and joy! Let’s turn lead into gold. Artwork credit: Lusid Art @authenticgisele

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Thursday Mar 31, 2022

I was inspired to record this meditation based on the previous episode How Powerful Do I Allow Myself To Be?
Please enjoy the journey into a vision of your leadership, into what you are here to catalyse and all the ripples of impact that flow onwards from the decision to live freely from your authentic and infinite power.
If you would like to connect with me, here are the different ways you can do that -
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If you'd like to receive more goodness in your inbox via a new weekly newsletter where I'll share more insights, stories about my own personal transformation journey, client wins, meditations and more, please subscribe here
Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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Monday Mar 28, 2022

This is an episode designed to be provocative as I invite you to ask yourself 'how powerful do I allow myself to be?'
This was a question that I asked myself as I was on Retreat with my coach this past weekend.
And this question was the consequence of re-connecting to the reason why I do what I do, and that is to catalyse an overflow of miracles in the world.....because I just love the ripple effect that happens when one person remembers who they really are.
Allow this episode to act as your own personal retreat as you go into process around your own sense of purpose and meaning and how powerful you allow yourself to be in bringing that to the world......and the infinite ripples of impact that unfurl as the consequence of being all of who you are.
If you would like to connect with me, here are the different ways you can do that -
DM me on Facebook
Complete a Coaching Application form where you'll get to know more about the coaching options and I'll get to know you better
Go the good old fashioned email route at
If you'd like to receive more goodness in your inbox via a new weekly newsletter where I'll share more insights, stories about my own personal transformation journey, client wins, meditations and more, please subscribe here
And if you'd like to check out Suzie de Jonge's book The Untangling you can do so here
If you'd like to check Aaron Kemp's incredible coaching work out you can do so here
Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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An Abundance Of Miracles

Saturday Mar 26, 2022

Saturday Mar 26, 2022

One week ago I published an episode entitled 'How Big Are You Dreaming?' which was an interview with 17 year old Aaliyah Sirengo who a few years back, having felt like the world didn't need her, found a purpose worth living for.
Adopted from Kenya, her family built two schools in resource poor communities. When Aaliyah visited them, she couldn't understand why the girls weren't turning up to school. She then learnt about 'period poverty', that when girls don't have the proper sanitary means when they are on their periods, that this has a devastating knock on effect on the girls, including missing over 100 days of school per year.
Facing into the fact that she could have been one of these girls she chose to make it her mission to eradicate 'period poverty'.
Two days after I published the episode a $1000 donation was made by an anonymous listener to Aaliyah's foundation. I was and still am overwhelmed by the care and generosity of this listener. I'm also now even more aware of the power of this podcast, the heart in this community of listeners and as Aaliyah's Mum Susan said, our 'collective intuition'.
I asked Aaliyah's Mum what this $1000 donation will mean to the girls. She said that 100 girls will now be able to go to school, uninterrupted, for the next three years and it will give a seamstress a good couple of months of guaranteed wage which will also allow her children to go to school.
I shared this profound ripple through a post I wrote and since then there have been another three people who have offered to make a donation.
Again, I am overwhelmed by the heart in this community and deeply moved.
Two nights ago Aaliyah shared a talk she did with me called 'Can a Pad Empower?'. I listened to it and was unexpectedly gut wrenched hearing Aaliyah talk about the realities of these girls. It asked if I could share her talk on another episode to which she was very thankful.
Warning that the story is hard to hear, enormously sobering and yet is a story that must be told. It puts so much in perspective.
Please be inspired by Aaliyah once again who has been nominated as a 'Create Change' Finalist in the #7News Young Achiever Award.
If you'd like to financially contribute to her project to continuing to supply education and sanitary packs you can do so here
If you would like to connect with Aaliyah as a keynote speaker for your event or business, please connect with her here on Instagram @Maisha.Flow or on email or with her Mum Susan Knapp on Facebook
If you'd like to receive more goodness in your inbox via a new weekly newsletter where I'll share more insights, stories about my own personal transformation journey, client wins, meditations and more, please subscribe here
If the listeners would like to connect with me, here are the different ways you can do that -
DM me on Facebook
Complete a Coaching Application form where you'll get to know more about the coaching options and I'll get to know you better
Go the good old fashioned email route at
Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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Accessing Future Memories

Friday Mar 25, 2022

Friday Mar 25, 2022

What a joy it was to interview the amazing Luisa Carel, Global Passion Ambassador, and host of Passion Harvest an internationally acclaimed interview YouTube series/Podcast that showcases Thought Leaders across the globe to inspire others to live a passionate life.
In Episode 19 Luisa talks about the idea that we can access 'future memories'. Her life is one incredible demonstration of remembering her future and surrendering to her own intuitive pulls to live what has already happened in the present moment.
Many of Luisa's thought leaders she interviews have had near death experiences (NDE's) and through their example she is shown over and over again that consciousness extends beyond the physical body. Because of this Luisa is able to hold her sense around 'time' in a multidimensional manner.
Be inspired by Luisa's experience with 'Edward' with whom she's had many future memories. And then one day as many of her listeners do, she received an email asking to meet on Zoom. That evening she realised that this listener was 'Edward'.
Luisa is about to move full time to France where her future memories are taking her.
This episode is another 'energetic prescription' that feels like a meditation to love yourself so much, inviting you to give yourself the most precious gifts that only you can give to you, to choose divine universal love over fear, and to surrender to the biggest dreams you can dream (following on from the previous episode 'How Big Are You Dreaming?').
Luisa also offers her bespoke Passion Mastery Program and Intuited Readings, exploring the multi-dimensional realms of your soul, including future memories. She is super connected and has inspired me with many, many stories where she has been in service to her family and clients that have blown my mind.
As Luisa reads her clients’ energetic and soul blueprint, she knows that in turn her clients will not only change their lives, but the lives of others.
Here are ways you can connect with Luisa -
INSTAGRAM- @passionharvest
If listeners would like to connect with me, here are the different ways you can do that -
DM me on Facebook
DM me on Instagram
Complete a Coaching Application form where you'll get to know more about the coaching options and I'll get to know you better
Go the good old fashioned email route at
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Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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How Big Are You Dreaming?

Saturday Mar 19, 2022

Saturday Mar 19, 2022

What an inspiration it was to interview Aaliyah Sirengo, 17 year old daughter of Susan Knapp who I interviewed in Episode 12 'Forgiving The Unforgivable'.
Susan asks her children not 'who do you want to be when you grow up?' but 'who do you want to be now?'.
A few years ago Aaliyah went through a troubling time, feeling like she didn't have a need for this world. Shame then became a catalyst for identifying a project that felt close to Aaliyah's heart. In 2019 Aaliyah's family built two schools in Kenya in resource poor communities. When the girls started not showing up to school despite having this incredible opportunity, she realised it was because they didn't have the education nor the sanitary goods to turn up to school when they were menstruating. The shame to talk about, to educate and to provide the necessary needs for something so biologically natural fuelled Aaliyah's sense of purpose, of how she could contribute to the world now.
And thus, Aaliyah's mission became clear as she decided to take on this project to 'eradicate period poverty', firstly in these resource poor communities in Kenya, and then further on. Adopted from Kenya by her Mum Susan, this project is close to her heart as she realises that she could have been one of those girls.
Last year, in conjunction with her siblings' businesses (who are 8 and 12 years old), they have sent over 700 sanitary packs.
Be inspired by this incredibly powerful, compassionate, courageous young woman and allow this interview to be an opportunity for your own introspection about having a greater sense of purpose, contribution and joy.
If you would like to connect with Aaliyah as a keynote speaker for your event or business, please connect with her here on Instagram @Maisha.Flow
If you'd like to financially contribute to her project to continuing to supply education and sanitary packs you can do so here
And if you're interested in Aaliyah's International Women's Day event on 23rd March 20222 (7:00pm - 8:00pm), you can check this out here
Thank you, thank you Aaliyah for your big courageous heart, for putting yourself out there even when it feels uncomfortable. Thank you for the enquiry you surrendered to when you felt lost. May you continue to inspire many, many others regardless of their age.
If the listeners would like to connect with me, here are the different ways you can do that -
DM me on Facebook
Complete a Coaching Application form where you'll get to know more about the coaching options and I'll get to know you better
Go the good old fashioned email route at
Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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Monday Mar 14, 2022

Episode 3 It's OK To Be Powerful published in December resonated so strongly that I decided to create It's OK To Be Powerful Part 2.
I was also inspired to create this episode when just last week a client reflected these words 'I now know how to hold power. I feel powerful. I'm no longer frightened of my power.'
This episode also follows on nicely from Episode 15 Called Into Freedom.
In this episode I share what's happening in real time with current clients with the intention that you're able to recognise identities that your ego has designed to keep you 'safe', yet the more attached you are, the more resistance you have to being powerful.
In particular we look at these four following identities that are the anti-creators to feeling and experiencing your true, authentic power.
the lack of capacity to create financial abundance
downsizing your real capacity levels
not belonging
needing to control
I trust that this episode will create a deepened awareness around your resistance to and/or alignment to your true, authentic power. Above all I hope that you will experience freedom that will change the game that you play such that you come to know that authenticity is always profitable.
In this episode I also make an explicit call out for those who have been feeling pulled to explore coaching with me.
If that is you, you can reach me several ways
DM me on Facebook
Complete a Coaching Application form where you'll get to know more about the coaching options and I'll get to know you better
Go the good old fashioned email route at
A special mention to an incredible woman who I had the privilege of coaching, Suzie de Jonge, who not only knows that it's OK to be powerful, but has expressed her service to the world through a book she wrote, The Untangling. It was published and released today. Bravo bravo Suzie! Celebrating and honouring the deliciousness of who you are! If you'd like to purchase a copy or connect with Suzie you can do so at
And final mention as always to Suzie's daughter, Alex Saba, from Lusid Art who designed the cover of The Intuitive Pull Podcast and also designed the cover of The Untangling. What a relationship you have, an immaculate demonstration of what happens as you untangle fear into love.
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Monday Feb 28, 2022

Be inspired by this story of Integrative Oncologist Dr Carol Haddad's patient's journey to being cancer free.
In my original interview with Dr Carol Haddad in Episode 4 'The Intuitive Response to Cancer & Illness', Carol shares her own journey of moving from conventional medicine in a very respected role at Sydney's North Shore Hospital to giving that up and travelling the world to discover alternative therapies.
Now based in Colorado, USA, Carol treats patients from around the world as an Integrative Oncologist, using the marriage of conventional and alternative therapies.
Carol often refers her patients to this podcast and one patient who was suffering a very serious type of cancer listened to her story in Episode 4. She was moved by Carol's bravery to surrender into her own intuitive pull. Having Carol demonstrate the meaning of surrender, she became aware of how much she was trying to control the outcome of her 7 months of radiochemotherapy and chemotherapy treatments, understandably so given this life and death scenario. She thus made the decision to let go of control and surrender the outcome, knowing that she'd be OK no matter what.
Listen to what happened immediately after this.
A Course In Miracles defines a miracle being a shift in perception from fear to love. When this energetic shift happens, there is always an external consequence. I have worked with clients since 2004 and every time this shift occurs, I have seen results happen often immediately in business, finances, relationships, politics and health. This shift in perception from fear to love wholly belongs to every environment. It does not discriminate and as you'll see does not exclude cancer.
I am super grateful to Carol's patient who gave me permission to share her story. Thank you thank you. May it facilitate more miracles.
When we recorded Carol's interview, I reflected and said that the episode was 'an energetic prescription' and so I have been proven right.
Dr Carol Haddad is currently based in Colorado, USA and provides consultations on-line internationally.
Please also listen to Episode 4 here
If you love the The Intuitive Pull episodes can you please share the love by
1) leaving a rating and review so that we can grow this community together.
2) sharing the podcast with your friends, family and colleagues.
I'd be so grateful 🙏🏼
And remember to let me know what happens by leaving a comment in the SM posts or messaging me. You can also share your experience and tag me several ways
~ by joining the Intuitive Pull Podcast Facebook Group
~ connect with me through my website and explore coaching here ~ on Instagram @authenticgisele or Facebook
Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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Called Into Freedom

Monday Feb 28, 2022

Monday Feb 28, 2022

This is one of those episodes I had to record catalysed by my own personal process which snuck up on me last week.
Feeling a bit naked in my vulnerability, this is one of those episodes that I want you to listen to, and also don't want you to listen to! I share an identity that I have been attached to believing that this behaviour is who I am rather than something I do as part of an identity.
We look at the different experiences when a decision is rooted in shame and judgment versus when a decision is made from a place of being called into freedom. And when the ego perceives the letting go of identity as loss we acknowledge the true consequence being a certainty and trust like never before and from this place so much external growth.
This is a provocative episode created to bring awareness around your own attachments and to ask yourself the exciting question 'Who might I be without this identity?'.....and ultimately to be called into a greater sense of freedom and the ROI that this freedom brings!
If you love the The Intuitive Pull episodes can you please share the love by
1) leaving a rating and review so that we can grow this community together.
2) sharing the podcast with your friends, family and colleagues.
I'd be so grateful 🙏🏼
And remember to let me know what happens by leaving a comment in the SM posts or messaging me. You can also share your experience and tag me several ways
~ by joining the Intuitive Pull Podcast Facebook Group
~ connect with me through my website and explore coaching here ~ on Instagram @authenticgisele or Facebook
Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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The Bravest Question

Monday Feb 21, 2022

Monday Feb 21, 2022

I dedicate this episode in memory of a man I had the honour of coaching in 2016, including time we spent together in Kenya on retreat. We named Rob Garsden our King of Hearts, because that's what he was. Rob passed away on 11 February 2022, ironically the day my son Joshua was born 23 years ago who passed away 11 days later, on 22 February.
When life presents challenges, the bravest question we can ask ourselves is 'for what purpose did I create this?'.
By asking ourselves this question we decide to step outside of the blame and judgment paradigm and the roles we play there, particularly that of victim and persecutor of circumstances and people. When we go to this level of ownership, no matter how difficult the situation is, and we take 100% personal responsibility to see the point of cause from a growth perspective, we become free.
It was this moment of freedom that Rob came to in one conversation in 2016 that I was remembering and appreciating. I recall the lightness that ensued and the gratitude he had for the situation that catalysed him into this newfound awareness. I then had two more conversations last week, with each person experiencing their own moments of freedom, and it made me realise that this particular piece in someone's process is my very favourite part of coaching.
What is seen can never be unseen, thus is the power of asking and answering the bravest question 'for what purpose did I create this?'.
There is so much gold in this episode that my intention is that by being present to its content, you too will receive your own moments of freedom as you ask yourself this brave question.
The context of this episode is really the epicentre of the way I live my life and the work that I do. This for sure is an episode you can come back to again and again and again.
Let these stories inspire you into your own freedom and please share this episode with anyone who is challenged and in conflict.
To our King of Hearts, may you continue to fly free.
And thank you Lorna Patten for teaching me to fly free so that I could share this with many others, including those listening to this podcast. I love and appreciate you dearly!
If you're interested in coaching with Lorna please find her here
If you love the The Intuitive Pull episodes can you please share the love by
1) leaving a rating and review so that we can grow this community together.
2) sharing the podcast with your friends, family and colleagues.
I'd be so grateful 🙏🏼
And remember to let me know what happens by leaving a comment in the SM posts or messaging me. You can also share your experience and tag me several ways
~ by joining the Intuitive Pull Podcast Facebook Group
~ connect with me through my website and explore coaching here ~ on Instagram @authenticgisele or Facebook
Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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Following The Intuitive Pull

Tuesday Feb 08, 2022

Tuesday Feb 08, 2022

This morning I was inspired to pull apart the journey that lead me to following the intuitive pull to create this podcast.
Why? To help my clients on their journeys to follow their own intuitive pulls. I then decided to create this episode to support you too.
What was most precious about this process of pulling apart my journey was that I ran into a theme that I was unaware of up until today, specifically a theme about belonging.
This is what I saw -
The Intuitive Pull pulls you into a remembering of where you didn't believe that you belonged but always did in truth.
Enjoy this coaching episode were you'll create awareness around
the directives you've been given
the cave you've feared to enter
the breadcrumbs along the way
vision and ideas that haven't been/aren't ready to be hatched
the synchronicities that have to arrive
remembering your genius zone and being there 100%
receiving the most perfect support
being OK to be powerful in areas that you didn't believe your power belonged
May your year be one where you experience the Overflow that happens by following the intuitive pull.
If you love the The Intuitive Pull episodes can you please share the love by
1) leaving a rating and review so that we can grow this community together.
2) sharing the podcast with your friends, family and colleagues.
I'd be so grateful 🙏🏼
And remember to let me know what happens by leaving a comment in the SM posts or messaging me. You can also share your experience and tag me several ways
~ by joining the Intuitive Pull Podcast Facebook Group
~ connect with me through my website and explore coaching here ~ on Instagram @authenticgisele or Facebook
Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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Gisele Gambi

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