The Intuitive Pull
Welcome to The Intuitive Pull podcast where you are invited to embrace the plans you didn’t make, where you’ll see that the deeper you go, the greater your wealth in your business and life - in all ways, and that authenticity is always profitable. You’ll hear from myself and guests each week so that your own intuitive pulls reveal themselves in response to failure, disappointment, regret and uncertainty....and joy! Let’s turn lead into gold. Artwork credit: Lusid Art @authenticgisele

Monday Feb 07, 2022
Monday Feb 07, 2022
Oh gosh, what a joy it was to interview Susan Knapp who listened to the podcast and was pulled to connect with me to share her story.
Be inspired by this huge story of forgiveness and Susan's powerful question to each of her children 'who do you want to be now?' and the magic that unfolded from here.
Susan says that her purpose in life is to raise children who can forgive. With two children adopted from Kenya and two of her biological children, they have lived a very big and oftentimes painful life. Seeing forgiveness as a superpower Susan's children have learnt the power of grace, courage and gratitude. They have learnt to step through fear and find gold on the other side and be in service to the world. Susan says 'When you have the power to forgive the unforgivable, your reward is peace'.
The Knapp family have built two schools in Kenya, her children as young as 7 years old each have their own projects and through the profits of these projects provide sanitary napkins and water to African communities. Last year they sent over 720 sanitary napkins creating a massive impact as girls would then still be able to go to school rather than stay home. They embody grace, courage and gratitude in everything they do.
Check out their projects here www.In2EdAfrica.Org
And follow Susan's children and their projects on Instagram
For speaking and educational engagements or to contribute towards their projects, please connect directly with Susan. Her doors are wide open!
Thank you Susan. What a gift it was to connect with you. What a gift you are!
If you love the The Intuitive Pull episodes can you please share the love by
1) leaving a rating and review so that we can grow this community together.
2) sharing the podcast with your friends, family and colleagues.
I'd be so grateful 🙏🏼
And remember to let me know what happens by leaving a comment in the SM posts or messaging me. You can also share your experience and tag me several ways
~ by joining the Intuitive Pull Podcast Facebook Group
~ connect with me through my website and explore coaching here ~ on Instagram @authenticgisele or Facebook
Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
This episode is dedicated to Living In The Overflow in contrast to living in lack or even 'enough' as I had caught myself a little while back.
And guess what? Living in the Overflow is the direct consequence of following the intuitive pull. Funny that 😘
But often when people are not in Overflow but in lack instead, they focus on 'healing' and 'removing blocks'.
There is always a time and place for that....and....the irony is that when you follow the intuitive pull, especially when there is a need to change your reality, the blocks and need for healing disappear! Why? Because you have remembered who you are, that you are bigger than your personality, identity, the roles you play, the stories you tell yourself, the version of you and your reality that you have lived to date.
Following the intuitive pull for sure acknowledges that we have needs at times, and it orientates us to a much higher vibrational response than strategies borne from need.
When you follow the intuitive pull you are choosing to be in the fullest version of your leadership, self-expression, creativity, connection, presence and joy. And commitment is paramount to ensure that the intuitive pull is grounded and real, not just in fantasy and hope.
When that marriage of commitment is there, Overflow in all the ways that matter the most to you, and effortlessly, becomes your reality.
Remember, I'm not just talking about 'living in the flow'. I am talking about living in the Overflow, the theme for my life and those I coach for 2022.
Listen to the postscript I recorded at the end of the episode. If that's not 'real time proof' of the consequence of following the intuitive pull, I don't know what is.
Thank you my darling friend Penny for our conversation that inspired today's episode.
If you love the The Intuitive Pull episodes can you please share the love by
1) leaving a rating and review. This really helps get the podcast out there in the world. My intention is that Apple Podcasts will promote it in their suggestions.
2) sharing the podcast with your friends, family and colleagues.
I'd be so grateful 🙏🏼
And remember to let me know what happens by leaving a comment in the SM posts or messaging me. You can also share your experience and tag me several ways
~ by joining the Intuitive Pull Podcast Facebook Group
~ connect with me through my website and explore coaching here
~ on Instagram @authenticgisele or Facebook
Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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Monday Jan 31, 2022
Monday Jan 31, 2022
This is a story of a man called “Mark” who came to me with debilitating anxiety. Similar to many men, he’d pinned his self-value on being a rockstar at making money, on external success, the deadliest virus of all. When that became untenable, his inner world came crashing down.
I wrote this story, an account of the time we spent together in coaching to honour Mark
~ a man who chose to take his safety harness off, to dive into the deep and come to know, experience by experience, how tenderness is more valuable than the currency of control and ego based power.
~ a man who came to know that letting go of control would be the first most powerful strategy to bring about an invaluable return on investment.
~ a man who came to know that sharing his vulnerabilities would most likely be the biggest risk of all, more dangerous at first than all the risks he took for financial gain, and this new risk would pay the most meaningful and profitable dividends.
~ a man who came to know that leading his life from a place of acceptance and transparency from the all of him, and not just the facade that most men expose, would be the second most powerful strategy. This would enable another form of ROI; an investment not just for him, but for others in the Ripples Of Impact created by him.
~ a man who came to know that history would be healed and re-written from the present moment of compassion and forgiveness for past misunderstandings and hurt.
~ a man who googled ‘how do I love myself?’ when the very choices described above were the very acts of love for self.
I met this man, who represent so many men like him, in meditation two years ago. It took me two years to ready myself so that I could meet him in physical reality, and it has indeed been one of my greatest joys.
I share Mark’s story to demonstrate that men do not need to suffer and at the very worst, take their lives as a friend did one year ago.
I share Mark’s story in solidarity, to love our men and to show them that self-love, compassion and forgiveness do not make a man weak, but even more powerful.
I implore you to share this with the men in your lives. And men, I implore you to share this with your friends. Together let's reduce the suicide rate of 6 men taking their lives each day in Australia.
If you feel to take the journey that Mark did in coaching, I am here. Please email me at
If you love the The Intuitive Pull episodes can you please share the love by
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2) sharing the podcast with your friends, family and colleagues
I'd be so grateful 🙏🏼
And remember to let me know what happens by leaving a comment in the SM posts or messaging me. You can also share your experience and tag me several ways
~ by joining the Intuitive Pull Podcast Facebook Group
~ connect with me through my website and explore coaching here
~ on Instagram @authenticgisele or Facebook
Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
Wow wee come and get activated and feel an acceleration as I did when I interviewed Zahrina Robertson who is a multi-award winning visual story teller who works with speakers, leaders and entrepreneurs to develop unique brand strategies through photography and video. She's authored two books and has most recently discovered herself as a painter with her paintings finding home in Tony Robbins' and Brooke Shield's abodes.
What gifts have been given to you? What forgotten expressions of you will get pulled through and pop out by listening to this episode?
Come be reminded that when you truly value your gifts that others are energetically drawn to you from a place of mutual meaning and purpose.
Say yes and yes and yes again as Zahrina's life demonstrates and choose your superpower over your ego and the stories you've told yourself about being invisible or not unworthy or not good enough.
How far can you go, how much adventure do you allow yourself when you operate from the depth and generosity of your gifts?
Enjoy the intuitive and creative activation that this episode brings. Thank you Zahrina for such a wonderful experience. May this episode bring an abundance of connection all round. 😍
To connect with Zahrina go to
and also please follow her on Instagram at and
Note Zahrina is facilitating a free 5 day 'Video Visibility Challenge' 7 - 11 February 2022. You can register here
If you love the The Intuitive Pull episodes can you please share the love by
1) leaving a rating and review
2) sharing the podcast with your friends, family and colleagues
I'd be so grateful 🙏🏼
And remember to let me know what happens by leaving a comment in the SM posts or messaging me. You can also share your experience and tag me several ways
~ by joining the Intuitive Pull Podcast Facebook Group
~ connect with me through my website and explore coaching here
~ on Instagram @authenticgisele or Facebook
Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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Monday Jan 24, 2022
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Why do some strategies work and others don't?
Being the end of January, post holidays, this is strategy season! And because we spend tonnes of money on engaging different strategies it's super important to get really clear on whether the strategy you're employing is a powerful one or not.
I was acutely and unexpectedly given the theme of this episode to record and so have faith that this episode was created just for you.
Get reflective as you listen in to check in on current and past strategies and where they were borne from. Their genesis will determine their outcome, whether they result in overflow of more than you could ever have imagined or disappointment, overwork and underwhelm.
External strategies are not God, nor your hero, nor any golden key. Unfortunately however we often employ strategies to rescue us.
Allow this episode to remind you of who you really are and to remind you that strategies are simply a vehicle to express yourself, your leadership and service, your love, your vision and joy more fully. You are the main game and the strategy your servant, not the other way around.
You cannot breadth your way into depth, but you can depth your way into breadth! Credit 😍Daniel Batten at for that piece of wisdom that has stayed with me for four years and continues to inspire me.
As always, please share what has happened in your life by listening to this episode! I've been really enjoying hearing the wins you've been having. Makes my day. Also so heartwarming to receive messages from listeners who have followed the intuitive pull to connect and coach with me.
You can share your experience and tag me several ways
~ by joining the Intuitive Pull Podcast Facebook Group
~ connect with me through my website and explore coaching here
~ on Instagram @authenticgisele or Facebook
Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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Monday Jan 10, 2022
Monday Jan 10, 2022
This episode is perfectly timed as we begin the new year and reflect on what we've achieved, what has momentum and what doesn't.
We look at four causes for the absence or lack of momentum, including its disruptors and hijackers.
This is a semi serious and sobering episode designed to galvanise your commitment so that the washing machine of dissatisfaction ends for good.
Are you ready?
Are you ready to get radically honest? Are you ready to experience this powerful premise that momentum not only seeks the committed, but serves it? Then listen in!
Special mention to
~ Lizzie Adams a phenomenal coach who I highly recommend. She has just sent the manuscript of her first book The Wounded Entrepreneur to her publisher. You can find her at
~ Cathy Heller, my podcasting mentor. You can listen to her podcast here or @cathy.heller
~ Bronnie Ware who wrote The Top Five Regrets of the Dying. Find her here at
~ 'Heal' on Netflix
~ Dr Amy Gajjar at
As always, please share what has happened in your life by listening to this episode! I've been really enjoying hearing the wins you've been having. Makes my day. Also so heartwarming to receive messages from listeners who have followed the intuitive pull to connect with me.
You can share your experience and tag me several ways
~ by joining the Intuitive Pull Podcast Facebook Group
~ connect with me through my website and explore coaching here
~ on Instagram @authenticgisele or Facebook
Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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Monday Dec 27, 2021
Monday Dec 27, 2021
During this holiday time on 27 December 2021, episode 6 offers the gift of peace.
In this episode I talk about a state of peace that is not temporary being a daily choice that is not dependant on any external circumstances needing to be in place. To think that peace is conditional is the biggest booby prize of our lives.
I remind you that you are the source of your perception and thus are the creator of the meaning that you give things. That meaning will either have you be at war with yourself and others or at peace.
Please listen to this episode with a sense of radical honesty and humility. Be prepared to let of stories that have kept you imprisoned and open to your intuitive intelligence that will show you the unfolding good of all that you have been in conflict with. Be prepared to make peace your decision.
Also be prepared to appreciate where you have already chosen peace.
This episode has the potential to enable miracles in your life and all the ripples outwards from you choosing peace. ✨💫
Books that have greatly supported me and those I coach are
Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
Loving What Is by Byron Katie
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson
A Course in Miracles by Helen Schucman
As always, please share what has happened in your life by listening to this episode!
You can share your experience and tag me several ways
~ by joining the Intuitive Pull Podcast Facebook Group
~ connect with me through my website
~ on Instagram @authenticgisele or Facebook
Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
Well this was the plan I didn't make! As I shared with my 10 year daughter that I was appreciating the most valuable lessons and experiences that I had in 2021, Ruby-Rose asked if I could interview her on my podcast so that she could share hers. So I seized the moment and we recorded straight away.
Listen to my wise, kind powerhouse as she shares what she loved most about 2021, what she found most challenging and what her greatest lesson was.
And she invites you to interview your children for the same reasons. Of course it doesn't have to come in the form of a podcast, but a video or recording instead. Ruby-Rose would love you to post it on socials and to tag me so that we can watch it together. Let's call this project #My2021
Let Ruby-Rose and I know what happens as a result of listening to this episode!
You can share your experience and tag me several ways
~ by joining the Intuitive Pull Podcast Facebook Group
~ connect with me through my website
~ on Instagram @authenticgisele or Facebook
Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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Monday Dec 20, 2021
Monday Dec 20, 2021
Allow this episode with Integrative Oncologist Dr Carol Haddad and Natalie Simes to be the energetic prescription to seeing cancer and other illnesses as the calling card to live a life of authenticity, freedom and a depth of love and connection for self and others.
Whether you are impacted by illness yourself or whether you know someone who is, please take the time to be present with this episode. It has the potential to bring about healing on many levels.
Dr Carol Haddad is currently based in Colorado, USA and provides consultations on-line internationally.
Natalie Simes is based in Lismore, Australia and you are more than welcome to connect with her via email
Watch Anthony Simes' story here that was created with the intention of positively contributing to the conversation about assisted dying.
The video was produced by the very talented film maker Jude Ella
Dr Amy Gajjar is based in Surry Hills, Australia. You can find her here
For more information about the Ho'oponopono process you can go here or search for Dr Hew Len.
Let me know what happens as a result of listening to this episode!
You can let me know by joining the Intuitive Pull Podcast Facebook Group
You can also connect with me through my website where you can explore coaching if you are pulled.
I'm also here at @authenticgisele
Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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Monday Dec 13, 2021
Monday Dec 13, 2021
In this episode that acts as an intimate conversation with you, and a blessing and a prayer all at the same time, you'll come to see if you have upper limit levelled yourself and if you have resistance to being powerful or even more powerful than you already are.
You'll see that being powerful doesn't mean that you'll lose yourself or be burdened. In fact, the opposite is true . Your power is unlimited, immeasurable and when you say yes to being that, you receive in return even more freedom and energy in return for the impact that you've made.
May your power impact many in environments that even you might not believe you have the capacity to impact. This has been my personal experience the last few years.
And so be free to be in your power.
Let me know what happens as a result of listening to this episode!
You can let me know by joining the Intuitive Pull Podcast Facebook Group
You can also connect with me through my website where you can explore coaching if you are pulled.
I'm also here at @authenticgisele
Artwork credit 🙏🏼 Lusid Art
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