The Intuitive Pull
Welcome to The Intuitive Pull podcast where you are invited to embrace the plans you didn’t make, where you’ll see that the deeper you go, the greater your wealth in your business and life - in all ways, and that authenticity is always profitable. You’ll hear from myself and guests each week so that your own intuitive pulls reveal themselves in response to failure, disappointment, regret and uncertainty....and joy! Let’s turn lead into gold. Artwork credit: Lusid Art @authenticgisele

Monday Aug 26, 2024
Monday Aug 26, 2024
This is a tender episode following the previous episode about how we set ourselves up when our true nature is hijacked by our ego.
I went to a yin yoga session post that breakthrough and I heard these words 'And then she remembered the magic'. My heart was wide open.
I then took myself to the beach and downloaded the piece that I speak to on the episode.
This conversation around 'identity' and 'remembering' has been super powerful, provocative and freeing in my coaching conversations.
I truly hope that this episode and the previous one does the same.
::💫 I’m excited to offer my new program My Best Year Yet - a yearlong act of presence, intuition and leadership in service to having your most significant life-changing year. Pre-sale fee is currently at AUD$5,500. Please share this with those you feel would enjoy learning about this program.
💫 I'll also be facilitating a 3 day free Masterclass where I’ll journey you to the places within that hold the inner breakthroughs to having your best year yet. Register here.
Wednesday 25 September at 11am AEST
Thursday 26 September at 11am AEST
Friday 20 September at 11am AEST
Each session will run for one hour and will build from the previous one. You’re encouraged to attend these sessions live on zoom however they will be recorded for those unable to do that.
👉 If you're ready for 1 on 1 work, you can learn about and/or apply for The Untapped Abundance 3 month or yearlong coaching here.
Sign up to my free Substack newsletter. You can do that here.
You can also DM me on Facebook or email me at
Join The Intuitive Pull Facebook Group here
00:00 Intro
01:13 The consequence of what happened after catching myself out in relation to how I set myself up when my ego hijacked my true nature
02:21 That was just a game changer
02:56 She had defined herself to be a survivor
03:43 I went to a place of actual love for all of me
05:15 And I had received a message in that yin yoga session. And the message was this. And then she remembered the magic
05:58 I also am sharing here with you because this is a note to self
06:60 Being a podcaster was a dream I never knew I had
07:24 Notes to self 122, and then she remembered the magic
07:55 She stood for authenticity for herself and others and miracle after miracle for those she touched
08:13 Her mission was about showing the transformative and generous power of living from our sacred leadership
08:43 She knew that nothing could not be transformed, not temporarily, but for life
09:19 She freed herself because she could see. She saw the cause beyond the blame
09:55 But how to run a business was a different story. She fumbled and failed
10:07 Nobody would ever accept her. And so she turned herself inside out. Put on a mask, spoke to a script, and her body suffered once more
10:45 Her body, however, would no longer take the repeated hit of self abandonment
11:48 She saw the cause. Lack of self value. Distrust in self and powerlessness. And she saw the purpose, once again
12:53 She's on the precipice of another giant evolution
13:58 Who has believed that they need to work hard or feel that they can handle anything to be deserving of the things that really matter? Who has fear bobbing in and out?
14:24 This is where the magic lies. With those who are ready to take the leap
14:57 Thank you, Notes to Self. You have loved me greatly. You've brought me to my knees. You've humbled me. You've had me face into myself and do the hard miles when I've needed to
15:36 So that is the value of writing notes to self
16:20 This is what this year long program is in service to. The diligence and the devotion and the commitment to a practice of presence, to a practice of intuition, to a practice of knowing, to a practice of authenticity, to a practice of truth

Wednesday Aug 21, 2024
Wednesday Aug 21, 2024
This episode goes deeper into episode 139 The Game Changer You Didn't Know You Were Looking For.Sometimes our true nature gets hijacked by the ego. Generosity turns into giving yourself away. Diligence and devotion turns into hard work. Being able to handle anything turns into having big things to deal with.Tune into this episode to tune into your identity, what you're setting up for yourself, and what's the agenda behind that.::💫 I’m excited to offer my new program My Best Year Yet - a yearlong act of presence, intuition and leadership in service to having your most significant life-changing year. Pre-sale fee is currently at AUD$5,500. Please share this with those you feel would enjoy learning about this program.
💫 I'll also be facilitating a 3 day free Masterclass where I’ll journey you to the places within that hold the inner breakthroughs to having your best year yet. Register here.
Wednesday 25 September at 11am AEST
Thursday 26 September at 11am AEST
Friday 20 September at 11am AEST
Each session will run for one hour and will build from the previous one. You’re encouraged to attend these sessions live on zoom however they will be recorded for those unable to do that.
👉 If you're ready for 1 on 1 work, you can learn about and/or apply for The Untapped Abundance 3 month or yearlong coaching here.
Sign up to my free Substack newsletter. You can do that here.
You can also DM me on Facebook or email me at
Join The Intuitive Pull Facebook Group here
00:00 Intro
01:4 8 This new program is in service to having your best year yet
02:28 They know they're ready to take a leap in to their next growth phase
02:45 If you're ready to untangle some dynamics that don't work for you any longer
05:25 And one of the ways in which I allow myself to be present and to connect into my intuition and my knowing is through writing, writing notes to self
08:12 Somebody said to me yesterday, it's like having a year long writing retreat
09:13 The pre sale fee $5,500 paid up front for a whole year's worth of holding in a group coaching environment. That's crazy
10:23 Diligence and devotion is absolutely how I have lived my life. If it wasn't for my diligence and devotion, there is no way that I'd be here with you right now
11:05 Is diligence and devotion setting me up?
11:35 And there was a sense of pride, you know, I can handle anything
12:26 And when the ego hijacks that true nature, then being able to handle anything becomes an identity. And so what that then sets up are big things to handle
12:52 Now there's an agenda underneath that
14:14 Then I'm worthy of the things that I desire and what I'm being called into
14:41 The game changer that you didn't know you were looking for….she prided herself on being a surivor
15:47 And I want to share one of the setups because I have a feeling that this will also speak to you….I’ve always been a helper
17:56 Because she's the helper there has to be problems here and problems there so she can go and be the helper
18:45 If she's the helper and she's creating safety, well then she's deserving of their love

Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
Sometimes it's time to take the leap.
I did just that on this episode.
Announcing 'Your Most Significant Life-Changing Year, Again', a very accessible program that makes you accountable to be in the 'discipline of flow'.
Imagine giving yourself a year of presence to yourself, your precious inner life, your longings and desires, your callings and a world of deep meaning and purpose - like you have never done before.
Imagine giving yourself a year of bowing down to your intuition, and having the presence to listen into its whispers and the courage to follow its pulls.
Imagine giving yourself a year where you rise above the inconsistency of flow and instead enjoy the creative adventure of being in the discipline of flow.
Imagine what you’d put down.
Imagine what would change.
Imagine how free you’d become.
Imagine how your capacity to love and lead self and others grew because you raised the stakes.
And then new visions arrived and you brought greater integrity into your world around your self-leadership, purpose, health, relationships and finances.
Imagine being in your unapologetic leadership, no longer hiding your authority and what you know.
Imagine coming out of hiding and being lit up with a creative agency you’d never met before.
Do you feel ready to have your most significant life-changing year, again?
Because that’s the path I’ve been on and others I’ve been coaching.
And if I could encapsulate the experience they’ve had it would be this.
By walking this path they have been shown dreams they never knew they had.
They’ve authored books and screen-plays, launched successful new businesses with bigger, more powerful missions, stepped into leadership with much greater authenticity, impact and wealth, became cancer free, became free from financial chaos and now living powerfully and abundantly, untangled dynamics that maintained chaos within the family system where now love is all that is present.
Today I took the leap and announced this new program on this podcast, even before the sales page is ready.
For the intuitive buyers like me who know that this yearlong program is for them, I'm offering this yearlong program for a pre-sale fee of AUD$5,500 paid upfront. Speaking that out on the podcast brought me to tears. That includes four hours of group coaching per month, being part of a community in a closed Facebook Group where you'll be able to share your Notes to Self, wins, challenges, insights and pulls and be given feedback by myself and Super Coaches dedicated to this program. I'll also be creating meditations for you to use to get those Notes to Self moving, and playlists to get you in the vibe.
Whilst we kick off officially 1 November, we'll get started before then so you'll be ahead of the start line.
Here is the link to purchase this program at this crazy pre-sale fee of AUD$5,500.
Within 24 hours of your purchase, you'll receive a Coaching Agreement welcoming you into the program and giving you details for group calls and the closed Facebook Group.
I don't know when the pre-sale fee will close, but when it does it will jump to AUD$7,700 for a time, and then after that it will move to the full fee of AUD$9,900. You'll be able to pay these two full fees in 12 monthly instalments if you wish.
Note this is a non-refundable program.And if you'd like to know more about this program, please put your details down here in an Expression of Interest and I will be sharing that with you very soon.
👉 If you'd like to ask me questions, you can aDM me on Facebook or email me at
👉 If you feel this program would be perfect for people you know, please share the love with your community. You'll receive a $200 referral fee for every successful referral.
👉 If you're ready for 1 on 1 work, you can learn about and/or apply for The Untapped Abundance 3 month or yearlong coaching here.
00:00 Intro
01:22 For the last couple of sessions, I've been telling you that I've been teasing you that there is a new way of working with me that is much more accessible
02:54 I want to show you that we don't have to have everything perfectly ready before we can take a leap
03:49 May this episode inspire you to take your own leaps
03:57 So announcing Your Most Significant Life Changing Year Again
05:31 This year long program will be a practice of presence so that you are in the discipline of flow
06:29 These notes to self are the most beautiful practice of presence. And it's through these notes to self that I am guided in my life
08:08 Sometimes that means that we have to do the hard miles to start with
09:19 Once we are in energetic alignment with ourselves, then we are able to see new vision
10:06 There's a shift in gear that happens, and this is where we remember the magic
10:44 And at times that momentum comes with a hand of grace
11:46 We have to have more freedom
12:45 We have to be in our unapologetic leadership and authority
13:29 When we bend reality, when we see what is possible
13:41 We have to bring more integrity into our world
14:47 We're then lit up with this creative agency that we've not met before
17:05 I have stepped into the next growth cycle, and I have rolled my sleeves up. I've done the work, and I'm here, sharing with you
18:01 This is for people who are ready to experience what they don't know what they're capable of yet
20:05 They can see where fulfilment lives for them now, not where fulfilment lived for them 10 years ago or 5 years ago even, but where fulfilment lives for them now
20:35 My fulfilment lies at the heart of bringing what I have come to know to more and more and more and more and more people, a breadth of people
21:45 In fact, I can feel three people in my field that are floating around that know that one on one with me is what they need
22:48 Let me tell you ho the most significant life changing year program works
23:05 I’ll be asking you to be accountable to writing your notes to self
24:13 As you share in this closed Facebook group, you will gain feedback from myself or the other super coaches
24:27 There will be four hours of group coaching per month
25:41 Three hours per month will be made available for you to share your notes to self with the group. This way you get feedback. This way you get to see things that you can't see
27:07 There will be intuitive pulls that you will see on these group calls that you will then go and take action on
27:55 So when does all this kick off? We will begin on the 1st of November 2024
30:24 I want you to be so present to your intuition right now, to your knowing right now. Is this program for me?
33:33 The pre sale fee is $5, ]500 Aussie dollars paid up front for one year
36:36 The $7,700 and $9,900 fees can be paid off in monthly instalments over a year
37:57 Meditation will also be part of this program
40:39 Is there something for you to take the leap on?

Monday Jul 29, 2024
Monday Jul 29, 2024
In this episode we look at identities that you have defined yourself as that can only cause unwanted and undesired realities.
If you've been repeating patterns of dysfunctional relationships, business failures, promotions going to others, legal entanglements, all sorts of illness including cancer and autoimmune diseases, infidelity, being fired or made redundant, this episode is definitely for you.
If you've been feeling depression, disillusionment, anxiety and boredom, this is episode is definitely for you.
May it be the game changer you didn't know you were looking for.
👉 In a few weeks time I'll be ready to share the details of a new way we can work together that is not at the level of financial investment of my 1 on 1 work. If you're interested in learning more, please put your name and email down as an expression of interest here.
👉 If you're ready for 1 on 1 work, you can learn about and/or apply for The Untapped Abundance 3 month or yearlong coaching here.
Sign up to my free Substack newsletter. You can do that here.
You can also DM me on Facebook or email me at
Join The Intuitive Pull Facebook Group here
If you loved this episode or the podcast in general, please share the love with your community. Share this link to The Intuitive Pull Podcast.
00:00 Intro
01:18 I've been coaching only for the past five weeks and we have just had some pretty life changing significant breakthroughs
02:69 Exasperated by the depression and the boredom and the anxiety that she'd been feeling. And she came to me asking to receive meaning and purpose in her life
04:35 This is all to do with identity work. It's the person who we have defined ourselves to be. And life consistently proves that definition true, setting up a whole lot of unwanted and undesirable realities
05:20 If you believe that you're a survivor, you are going to have to have things to fight against
08:11 She started to disengage from that identity
09:18 And if you identify yourself here, you may make changes immediately
10:22 So let me begin by talking about the identity of being the rescuer
11:50 The identity of being the nice guy or the nice girl, the nice person
13:18 The identity of being the one in control
15:25 The cause was of her cancer from a metaphysical and psycho emotional perspective was that she believed she needed to be the one in control
16:18 They have increased their revenue from 7 million to 10 million per month
17:09 So this is the identity of being the cynical one
19:26 The identity of being the supporter
20:17 Unless we can get to the crux of what is going on behind the scenes, nothing on the outside is going to change
20:28 Sometimes some people continue blindly believing that this is who they are until the day that they die. And all that I can say about that is, what a life unlived that is
21:39 No matter what you do, you continue to experience the pattern over and over again. What will happen if those patterns keep on repeating?
25:12 So for T, because she was a survivor and she had so much to fight against, she learned a lot about compassion, she learned a lot about empathy and understanding and unconditional love
26:26 Do not be afraid of meeting your identity head on
27:42 This is how we live with no regrets
28:21 A new program that I will be putting the details out in a few weeks time of how you can work with me that is more affordable, that is more accessible than working with me one on one

Friday Jul 26, 2024
Friday Jul 26, 2024
In this episode I am inviting you to have your most significant life-changing year, again.
What does that look like? How do you get to experience that?
I share 7 key growth components that are essential to experiencing results that you've not yet experienced, and in ways that you've not yet had the privilege to experience.
This episode is probably one of the most profound episodes I've created.
I also tease you about a new way we can work together that is not at the level of financial investment of my 1 on 1 work.
I'll be ready to share the details of this program in a few weeks, but for now, if you're interested in learning more, please put your name and email down as an expression of interest here.
👉 If you'd like to connect with Penny Patterson you can do so here
👉 If you're ready for 1 on 1 work, you can learn about and/or apply for The Untapped Abundance 3 month or yearlong coaching here.
Sign up to my free Substack newsletter. You can do that here.
You can also DM me on Facebook or email me at
If we are not already friends on Facebook please friend me here.
Join The Intuitive Pull Facebook Group here
If you loved this episode or the podcast in general, please share the love with your community. Share this link to The Intuitive Pull Podcast.
00:00 Intro
02:28 I have been receiving a new way that I can work with people that doesn't involve the level of investment that is required to work with me one on one
04:29 But when I turned up to the meeting this morning, I couldn't feel the connection anymore to the vision
05:31 About three Tuesday mornings ago, at about 3:00 AM in the morning, I woke up with some words in my mind…they are game changers for me and for the people that I coach
05.55 And the words that I woke up with were your most significant life changing year again
07:39 And so it began the unraveling of what I can now see a two year process as being the components to having the most significant life changing year again
08:42 If there's any interest in knowing more about that, I have included in the show notes, a link where you can put your expression of interest down
10:38 So component one to having your most significant life changing year is you have to be free
11:59 I went and met the parts of my life that remained in the shadows that were in the shadowy parts of my consciousness that I was not aware of
13:42 Secondly, we have to raise the stakes
14:46 Each time I'm with someone, I get to learn what is possible
15:14 And it's one of the reasons why I also love working with cancer patients, because we get to bend reality. We get to bend timelines
16:30 We have to see through the eyes of innocence
17:19 Our capacity to love has grown
18:34 And when our capacity to love has grown, what happens then? New visions arrive
19:49 We bring greater integrity into the world
21:47 We then place ourselves and lead from our unapologetic leadership
22:29 We will no longer hide our authority, and we will no longer hide from our authority
24:38 We do not hide away from or hide away our unapologetic success
25:07 Because we're choosing to show what is possible, not only for ourselves, but for others. So why would we apologise?
26:14 We are lit up with a creative agency that we've not met before
26:55 I cried because I saw the diligence and the devotion that I've given to my process since June 2022
29:09 Remember that we are the divine composition
30:52 I see every single imperfection that we would define as being an imperfection and flaw being absolutely critical
35:14 And so I'm going to ask you now, what would your next most life changing year again look like?
37:01 Please put your name down as an expression of interest in that program

Friday Jun 28, 2024
Friday Jun 28, 2024
This was such a heart to heart conversation with energy healer and 'soul mate stone' creator Donna Wallace.
We talked about spiritual pregnancies, freedom from trauma, self-esteem and confidence and the deep inner process of shifting from "I can't do it" to "I can do it".
May the richness of this episode create magic in your life.
Donna helps people all around the world to switch their lights. With over 25 years of energy healing experience, Donna has found the most powerful and effective techniques for you to heal – and not like healing the layers of the onion where new layers seem to appear but getting to the heart of the matter and actually fixing things. Her motto is ‘work that works’.
Her intuition has led her on the most magical carpet ride of life; making a sea change with her family, building houses and starting another fascinating business creating ‘custom made for your soul’ jewellery that energetically activates you.
The work Donna does with clients today is twofold:
1) She helps people heal deeply from the past and birth family challenges. The deep ache in their hearts is replaced with an overflow of love and feeling supported. They cry tears of gratitude for the beauty of life around them and sleep soundly at night (often like a starfish!). Their intuition is on fire, they access the magical world of spirit, feel strong and confident, and always know the next best step to take in life.
2) Donna helps people discover their perfect ‘soulmate stone’, creating soul-sparking, luxurious handmade heirloom jewellery that supports their soul blossom into their potential! She has created a powerful new paradigm: healing through beauty!
Donna has TWO incredible free gifts to offer you – that will change your life!
GIFT 1: Download your 5-minute Life-Changing Morning Meditation:
GIFT 2: Book a free 10 min energy reading to find out what your soulmate stone is:
Dive into Donna’s healing work here: Website: Instagram
Check out Donna’s soul bling here: Website: Instagram
Here's the link to Troy & Bec Methorst's breath work sessions on the Gold Coast
👉 You can learn about and/or apply for The Untapped Abundance 3 month Breakthrough Program or Untapped Abundance Mastermind here.
Sign up to my free Substack newsletter. You can do that here.
You can also DM me on Facebook or email me at
If we are not already friends on Facebook please friend me here.
Join The Intuitive Pull Facebook Group here
If you loved this episode or the podcast in general, please share the love with your community. Share this link to The Intuitive Pull Podcast.
00:00 Intro
01:10 Her name is Donna Wallace and I am really keen to have this conversation today
02:46 Just give us a bit of a picture of who you are and what you're about
04:13 My business has been its own personal development journey and it has taken me through my paces along the way
05:39 I do energy and emotional healing
05:46 And then I also have a business where I create custom made jewellery for people's souls
06:40 I call it being like spiritually pregnant
07:02 I connected with the soul of my business
08:41 The house of Orion
09:01 We're supporting the ascension of planet of this planet of all of the inhabitants on this planet
11:37 It's all been through intuition and referrals and kind of magic behind the scenes
12:42 Was the most powerful breath work session I've ever done
13:15 Raise the stakes and I will show you dreams you never knew you had
15:57 I've gone through my own fair share of trauma and I've figured out how to recover from that and how to heal myself
16:29 Needed to figure out how to bring my emotions into a place where it didn't feel like my Achilles heel anymore
17:00 Trauma healing for me is a space that is deeply personal and private
17:58 Trauma changes the trajectory. Their energy splits, it shatters, and people's souls parts of them disassociate
19:47 How else do you think trauma manifests when it's not freed?
22:01 What do you feel is the the final thing that will create that release from trauma for good?
24:57 But there might also just be like, one other thing that you need to try, like I've found a modality that worked for me
25:30 Family constellation therapy
26:54 That morphic field is a biological phenomenon
27:11 It informs us how to behave, basically what you can do, what you can't do
28:21 But when we can heal that trauma it changes everything
30:59 The shift from I can't do it to I can do it
34:51 Have learned different ways of marketing and strategy and I've had to unlearn so much of that
35:12 The beauty is in how unique each of us are. And I can be real, I can be myself
37:00 How people can get in contact with you for either your healing work or for the House of Orion

Friday Jun 14, 2024
Friday Jun 14, 2024
This is a meditation that I created for those coaching in the Sacred Leaders program. I decided to share it here on the podcast as it is a beautiful support to the previous episode entitled Raise the Stakes and Bend Reality.
Raise the stakes and allow the quantum field to show you dreams you never knew you had.
👉 You can learn about and/or apply for The Untapped Abundance 3 month Breakthrough Program or Untapped Abundance Mastermind here.
Sign up to my free Substack newsletter. You can do that here.
You can also DM me on Facebook or email me at
If we are not already friends on Facebook please friend me here.
If you loved this episode or the podcast in general, please share the love with your community. Share this link to The Intuitive Pull Podcast.

Tuesday Jun 11, 2024
Tuesday Jun 11, 2024
This is a story of a client who was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer in March 2024, 3 months ago, and was told by her oncologist that whilst there is treatment that it is largely incurable.
Last Thursday her results showed total resolution and radical remission.
Learn about L's response to cancer and what was the cause of this radical remission.
And be reminded about the power of innocence, that we are more powerful than our circumstances and to raise the stakes and bend reality in your own life, like L did with the very earthly subject matter of cancer and money.
L is currently participating in the Untapped Abundance Mastermind, a yearlong program of support. If this episode has reminded you that you are more powerful than your circumstances, to raise the stakes and bend reality, and you're drawn to give yourself the most perfect support, and if that's with me, please go over to my website and explore The 3 month Untapped Abundance Breakthrough Program or The Untapped Abundance Mastermind. This is the most powerful container to take you into this next generation of yourself and the quality of results that are now seeking you.
👉 You can learn about and/or apply for The Untapped Abundance 3 month Breakthrough Program or Untapped Abundance Mastermind here.
Sign up to my free Substack newsletter. You can do that here.
You can also DM me on Facebook or email me at
If we are not already friends on Facebook please friend me here.
If you loved this episode or the podcast in general, please share the love with your community. Share this link to The Intuitive Pull Podcast.
00:00 Intro
01:46 So that you can experience a quantum shift in reality so that you can bend reality
02:39 This was the 2nd time she was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer in 2022 and then in March this year, 2024 the cancer reappeared. But this time it was stage four cancer.
03:14 PET scan results showed total resolution, radical remission
04:43 The reason why we can see her PET scan results showed radical remission
05:08 She decided to believe in herself, and she decided to have faith in the power of her spiritual relationship
05:31 She followed her intuition all the way through. That led her to having the most perfect and right support for herself
07:40 She took responsibility to clean up her perfectionist personality, her control personality, her A type personality
08:38 She gave herself these two months to be a time of healing for herself
08:50 She's been following her joy of writing poetry
11:03 I wanted to run around the room going raise the stakes. We're here to create new realities. We're here to create new realities
12:13 I saw us bending reality, literally bending reality
14:07 An innocence that does not believe in the assumptions of how life needs to be, and is, for many others, who deem that circumstances are more powerful than who they are
14:28 Innocence is being free from the stickiness of assumptions based on fear, finality, and absoluteness. We do not play in that stickiness of that web of fear
16:10 When we project our desires into the quantum field, we will be shown dreams we never knew we had
16:36 To see through the eyes of the butterfly is to have faith in the process of becoming
17:13 Seeing through the eyes of a butterfly, therefore implies a perspective that is perceptive and different from the usual human viewpoint. The butterfly can see the bigger picture
18:39 Their family business had, has had an increase in revenue from $16M to $22M
20:00 I want to use these two earthly subject matters of cancer and money to show you what can happen when we decide that we are more powerful than our circumstances

Monday Jun 10, 2024
Monday Jun 10, 2024
Welcome into an intimate experience on a group call with the Sacred Leaders as Natalie Simes graduate from the first group of Sacred Leaders asks us the question 'What was I made for?'
This is a profound group call that deeply impacted those present. Natalie shares her experience with illness and that her greatest lesson is this - that we are evolving souls that have chosen us right now in this body, in this life, in this time, and to fully shift and move through the lessons we not only need to see the bigger picture, but we need to feel it all to heal it - so that our souls say in this body for as long as possible.
Here are the links to the songs that truly supported this process.
Billie Eilish What was I made for? version by Sam Yung
You can learn more about the Sacred Leaders program here. Whilst we commenced on 1 May this is an evergreen program, meaning that you can join whenever you feel pulled.
If you're not ready for Sacred Leaders and yet have been pulled to explore coaching with me, please explore The 3 month Untapped Abundance Breakthrough Program or The Untapped Abundance Mastermind.
👉 You can learn about and/or apply for The Untapped Abundance 3 month Breakthrough Program or Untapped Abundance Mastermind here.
Sign up to my free Substack newsletter. You can do that here.
You can also DM me on Facebook or email me at
If we are not already friends on Facebook please friend me here.
If you loved this episode or the podcast in general, please share the love with your community. Share this link to The Intuitive Pull Podcast.
00:00 Intro
01:46 And I am dedicating season four to this theme - to raise the stakes
04:19 And I'd like to welcome Natalie Simes who's one of my most favourite people in the world
11:21 Part of my sacred leadership and what has been uncovered in this last 12 months has been, whilst I've been able to really hold the greater purpose of these illnesses within my family, I've, in that quest for meaning, I've denied my feeling and that's where I've gone these last six months
13:08 So I'm just going to put the link in to that song in this episode. Because for copyright reasons, of course, I cannot play it here on the podcast.
14:06 Someone we know dies or is diagnosed with a terminal illness
15:15 You become acutely aware of the identities you've crafted and the roles you have so carefully played can crumble
17:26 Through his illness, there was a deathing of his identity, a deathing of the stories he told himself about who he needed to be in this world in order to feel love
17:49 He revealed his heart. The bravest act of courage from a man who believed he was invisible
19:37 He shifted our perception of illness from one of only deep suffering to that of greater purpose
21:05 We bury grief in the pockets of our soul that we don't allow ourselves to reach for, zipped shut, padlocked, in the hope that we can close it off for eternity
23:28 To feel the love, we have to feel the pain, and then there will be freedom. Grief and pain might just be the fastest path to love, to freedom. Just like failure is integral to success, pain is integral to love
24:31 Vulnerability is the diamond of houseguests, and will reveal herself in different ways if you sit with her in the light
25:42 So what was I made for?
26:05 it's about acknowledging those greater insights that we have as a soul body, but then allowing the space to feel so that we can have a deep human experience
26:50 I'm an evolving soul that has chosen me right now in this body, in this life, in this time, and I need to fully shift and move through the lessons and feel to heal it so that my soul stays in this body for as long as possible because I think we’re
29:49 Okay, here we go.
32:24 What was I made for? I was made to raise the stakes

Monday May 27, 2024
Monday May 27, 2024
This episode is dedicated to those who intuitively feel that the identity that they have experienced themselves as up until now is expiring or has expired.
Learn about the four 'contractions', what I'm defining as labour pains that are actually here to position you along your process of becoming.
Contractions don't mean that you've failed, that you've lost your mojo and that you're out of flow.
Without presence however we become consumed by the contraction and by the stories that we are making that contraction mean.
Open yourself up to the sacred purpose of these contractions and you'll be activated into the next generation of you.
And be reminded that sometimes we need to forget in order to remember.
If this episode has lit a fire within you, and you know you need support, please go over to my website and explore The 3 month Untapped Abundance Breakthrough Program or The Untapped Abundance Mastermind. This is the most powerful container to take you into this next generation of yourself and the quality of results that are now seeking you.
👉 You can learn about and/or apply for The Untapped Abundance 3 month Breakthrough Program or Untapped Abundance Mastermind here.
If you'd like to learn more about Jen Mitchell you can do that here.
If you'd like to learn more about Misha Frankel you can do that here.
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If you loved this episode or the podcast in general, please share the love with your community. Share this link to The Intuitive Pull Podcast.
If this episode has lit a fire within you, and you know you need support, please go over to my website and explore The 3 month Untapped Abundance Breakthrough Program or The Untapped Abundance Mastermind. This is the most powerful container to take you into this next generation of yourself and the quality of results that are now seeking you.
👉 You can learn about and/or apply for The Untapped Abundance 3 month Breakthrough Program or Untapped Abundance Mastermind here.
Sign up to my free Substack newsletter. You can do that here.
You can also DM me on Facebook or email me at
If we are not already friends on Facebook please friend me here.
If you loved this episode or the podcast in general, please share the love with your community. Share this link to The Intuitive Pull Podcast.
00:00 Intro
1:32 I really have been devoted to seeing the truth of what I was experiencing
2:17 I was able to come to a conclusion, let's say, of what was happening inside of myself and what it was in service to
3:04 My intention is that it will allow people to accept where they find themselves in
3:42 How to recognise that you're on the brink of the next evolution of yourself, of the next generation of yourself
3:54 The former identity that I have experienced myself as up until now that I know is expiring, has expired
4:22 The untapped abundance of who we already are, and the untapped abundance of who we are becoming so of course there's a massive exploration around this theme of identity
5:28 Being human allows us to have the experience of who we are becoming along the way of remembering who we truly are
6:21 In the birthing process there are labor pains and those labor pains are actually really inherent in the birthing process
7:36 But what's interesting in the personal growth world, now have a think about this when I say this, the word contraction has a negative connotation
7:52 It's actually perceived to be about failure. It's perceived to be about getting out of your flow, losing your mojo, not being good enough again
8:36 I knew intuitively that there was a new version of me to be birthed. And so I have been experiencing labor pains and I have been experiencing contractions
9:47 Start thinking about contractions differently, the contractions that you've been experiencing possibly, that they are helping you to position, position you along your own process of becoming
10:33 It's the contraction that I am done, I'm finished, I can no longer put up with, I can no longer compromise moment. It's a line in the sand of resolve.
11:02 It's equally important to define what we are saying no to
11:59 The confusing world of paradox
13:08 How can you be so in your knowing yet equally in fear?
13:24 How can you be so trusting in your intuition yet have equal moments of darkness?
14:25 The greater our light, the greater the heat
14:45 For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
15:22 Can you be in faith and also anxiety?
15:44 Joseph Campbell said’Pain is inherent and suffering is optional’. We only suffer when we give meaning made from the ego mind
16:28 Can you be in the paradox of absolute faith and absolute fear?
16:50 She's holding her cancer, her response to cancer in the quantum world
18:09 Only love is real, nothing else exists. Herein lies the peace of God
18:30 The contraction of paradox, there's only one response to that, and that is of presence
19:02 Without presence, we become consumed by the contraction by the stories that we are making that contraction mean
19:37 We get to see the sacred purpose. We get to see the love that is in what we're defining as the contraction
20:08 We can't actually see the tree when it's in the acorn, but within the contraction is the tree
20:32 What you've chosen will choose you. Do you know what you actually really chose?
21:00 If you haven't got the thing that you thought you were going for, tou've actually chosen something else
21:59 You always get what you've chosen, but do you really know what you have chosen?
22:45 It's so easy to go and forget about the ethereal field of mystery and grace and miracles
23:38 Going into the how is an incessant affliction. How am I going to make this happen? How will I achieve this thing?
24:19 If we go into strategy we suck the life out of it, we suck the life out of the process of growing into ourselves
25:02 Divine influence
25:39 When we're in the contraction of the how, how, how, how, its purpose actually is to remind us to have our feet on the ground and to surrender up the process to the universal mind
26:13 When we control the outcome, we have turned away from the infinite creative power of what Misha Frankel calls divine influence
26:50 Sometimes we need to forget in order to remember
27:23 Those contractions are journeying with us to remember the untapped abundance of who we already are, and to embrace the untapped abundance of who we are becoming
28:02 Presence is the midwife to what you are birthing