The Intuitive Pull
Welcome to The Intuitive Pull podcast where you are invited to embrace the plans you didn’t make, where you’ll see that the deeper you go, the greater your wealth in your business and life - in all ways, and that authenticity is always profitable. You’ll hear from myself and guests each week so that your own intuitive pulls reveal themselves in response to failure, disappointment, regret and uncertainty....and joy! Let’s turn lead into gold. Artwork credit: Lusid Art @authenticgisele

Saturday May 25, 2024
Saturday May 25, 2024
A very powerful, defining energy moved through me a few weeks ago which coursed through my fingers as I wrote (and now podcast in this episode) to that moment when in your heart of hearts have decided that you are done, finished and can no longer compromise the leadership that you know you are here to embody.
This episode is dedicated to those who have promised themselves to live their fullest, most abundant, authentic and purposeful life and know they are off the mark of that reality. No matter what they have done and how hard they've tried, they can't seem to move beyond the current level of results they've experienced so far.
Allow this episode to provoke another level and quality result that you've not yet had the privilege of experiencing.
Allow this episode to remind you of your infinite nature and that you are here to be the demonstration of what is possible. Because there is a new expression of you to be seen, seized, claimed, and executed.
If you feel this episode was made for you, know that this is a time in your life that is demanding of a world changing paradigm breakthrough shift in identity.
When I wrote to these words, little did I know at the time that it would activate me. Eight days later I was shown a vision that until then, I never considered having a place in my leadership, and now absolutely do. This vision is immaculately relevant to The Intuitive Pull Community and I'll be able to share with you very soon.
If this episode has lit a fire within you, and you know you need support, please go over to my website and explore The 3 month Untapped Abundance Breakthrough Program or The Untapped Abundance Mastermind. This is the most powerful container to take you into this next generation of yourself and the quality of results that are now seeking you.
👉 You can learn about and/or apply for The Untapped Abundance 3 month Breakthrough Program or Untapped Abundance Mastermind here.
Sign up to my free Substack newsletter. You can do that here.
You can also DM me on Facebook or email me at
If we are not already friends on Facebook please friend me here.
If you loved this episode or the podcast in general, please share the love with your community. Share this link to The Intuitive Pull Podcast.
00:00 Intro
1:54 This is definitely one of those hard hitting messages
2:22 I write this for those who have hit into that, that moment and in their heart of hearts have decided that they are done
3:30 I write this for those who have promised themselves to live their fullest, most abundant, authentic and purposeful life and know they are off the mark of that reality.
3:43 No matter what they have done and how hard they've tried, they can't seem to move beyond the current level of results they've experienced so far
4:21 I've witnessed the path from public failure and shame
4:35 I've witnessed the path of depression
4:56 I've witnessed the life changing diagnosis of cancer and other illnesses be the undeniable antidote for those who have lived their life in control
5:11 I've witnessed tears and breakdowns in family dynamics, and misunderstanding, chaos
5:27 I've witnessed financial strain, failure, and even bankruptcy be the wake up call needed
6:11 Do you define the I'm done, finished, can no longer put up with and compromise moment as failure? As not being good enough? Not on my watch
6:41 Another level and quality result that you've not yet had the privilege of experiencing is seeking you
6:54 To remind you of your infinite nature and called you into being the demonstration of what is possible
7:23 There is a new expression of you to be seen, seized, claimed, and executed
7:37 This is a time in your life that is demanding of a world changing paradigm breakthrough shift in identity
8:41 Love always has bigger, more generous gifts for all than the ones we decide are important
10:16 And maybe come back to this in eight days time
10:58 So I'm going to kind of leave you on a, with a cliffhanger because there is a, something very new, something very unexpected in my leadership that has revealed itself
11:49 It’s an intuitive pull, surprise, surprise, that I know inside of my body

Friday May 24, 2024
Friday May 24, 2024
From feeling invisible to finding her place in the world, be inspired by Suzie de Jonge's story where she became an accidental author of The Untangling, another soon to be published book and co-writer of a screen play.
From anxiety and depression, to finding peace through forgiveness, Suzie lives her life from a place of surrender and faith. She has found her place in the world through the gifts she gives and receives through the vehicle of her creative expression.
If you've been inspired by Suzie and would like to connect with her, she is not only an author but the host of The Untangling Podcast, and a coach and clinical hypnotherapist. You can connect with Suzie here.
If you'd like to explore coaching with me.....
👉 You can learn about and/or apply for The Untapped Abundance 3 month Breakthrough Program or Untapped Abundance Mastermind here.
👉You can learn about and/or apply for The Sacred Leaders Program go here.
Sign up to my free Substack newsletter. You can do that here.
You can also DM me on Facebook or email me at
If we are not already friends on Facebook please friend me here.
If you loved this episode or the podcast in general, please share the love with your community. Share this link to The Intuitive Pull Podcast.
00:00 Intro
1:58 She's the author of a published book called The Untangling
2:50 Untangling anything that is wrapped up in fear and judgment and bringing it all back to nothing but left but love
4:00 It was a theme that I see a lot especially with women
4:52 A lot of them felt like they didn't have a voice, and a lot of them felt that they were invisible
5:32 How to untangle from that and find a freedom that they possibly never had
5:54 Stopping and looking at my life and the trajectory that I'd taken, the path, the choices that I'd made
6:51 So your writing was actually never planned to be a book
8:51 we'e, we're all shaped by events that happened to us when we're children and by the beliefs around us, the belief systems of our families, you know, school, society
9:58 You have no idea the impact that this has had on me because it could have been my story that you wrote
10:10 I think forgiveness is the biggest thing has really encouraged me to, to look at this too and find my own peace
11:30 So it's just a more joyful, lighter way of being, you know, like life's not perfect. None of us have a perfect life. It has its ups and downs, but I think the way I view the world, is probably the biggest thing
12:08 And I think that's the biggest change over two years finding my place in the world
12:45 I don't feel invisible anymore
13:46 You have the absolute right to choose to be happy
14:01 I've realised I'm more powerful than I thought I was. And I have a happier life than I ever expected
14:40 I was going through like a depression or anxiety
15:13 You were asked to be a guest facilitator That's a retreat for people who hav or had cancer
17:29 I know that your Course in Miracles work has been a major factor, a major factor for who you are today
18:00 There's such a faith that runs through your world
18:34 There's no other way to live, but from a place of surrender
19:06 Realising that we have no control over our lives
20:29 Letting go of needing to know and just having trust and faith
20:49 Seeing the innocence in people
21:50 It's taught me to not judge as often
24:33 What would you say is your sacred leadership?
25:13 I'm just here to be an example, teach by example
25:29 You've taken responsibility for your happiness and that has created so much

Friday May 10, 2024
Friday May 10, 2024
Be with this episode to hear about the missing piece that many people who are experiencing a shift in identity fail to see, and therefore fail to embody the next generation of themselves.
This episode may just be what you needed to hear to get things moving so that you see your inner shift reflected in actual physical results.
To read more about this go to my Substack article here
To book your ticket for the on-line Leaning into the Mystery event with Jen Mitchell where she will be doing live readings, go here
If you'd like to explore coaching with me.....
👉 You can learn about and/or apply for The Untapped Abundance 3 month Breakthrough Program or Untapped Abundance Mastermind here.
👉You can learn about and/or apply for The Sacred Leaders Program go here.
Sign up to my free Substack newsletter. You can do that here.
You can also DM me on Facebook or email me at
If we are not already friends on Facebook please friend me here.
If you loved this episode or the podcast in general, please share the love with your community. Share this link to The Intuitive Pull Podcast.
0:00 Intro
2:26 All gloves off, all pretences down
3:37 I don't have to do marketing in marketing fucked up ways
4:30 I'm talking about the untapped abundance of who we already are and the untapped abundance of our becoming
5:14 Massive paradigm shifts in identity
6:07 And it's the moment when, you know, you are done, you are so finished
7:39 You enter into the next generation of you
8:42 You meet a creative agency, like you just heard, that you've not met before
9:25 Because this is actually the missing piece
9:29 When people have had a massive shift in identity, and then they expect that they're going to have that massive inner shift reflected in their external world. And then that reflection doesn't happen
11:35 If you believe that that's who you are to be, only, in the next generation of you, You've kind of missed the point
11:47 When we are meeting the next generation of ourselves, we are becoming, we are in the process of becoming
13:15 She could no longer allow herself to continue dishonouring all the value that she is and all the wisdom
14:23 She said yes, from that place of desire, and that place of agency, and that place of personal responsibility
16:15 Authenticity is profitable
16:58 And she has so much desire and calling to express herself in ways and also through different forms than she has in the past
17:21 It's that congruence with the all of who she is becoming that is the energetic alignment that is creating these results in physical 3D land
18:17 Your self expression wants to become more
18:41 I want to remind you that we are going to be doing an online event, Jen Mitchell, who is a medium
20:19 You can book your tickets in the show notes

Wednesday May 08, 2024
Wednesday May 08, 2024
Join my guest Anick Patry in her vulnerable, open-hearted sharing of the crisis it took for her to truly believe that she is loved, is love and is loveable.
We all have catalysts into this remembering - some more hard hitting than others and we don't always need to suffer so much in order to remember.
Anick is a coach and mentor who also offers voice and soul business transmissions and
voice tapping sessions.
If you feel pulled to connect with Anick you can reach her here on Linktree
If you'd like to explore coaching with me.....
👉 You can learn about and/or apply for The Untapped Abundance 3 month Breakthrough Program or Untapped Abundance Mastermind here.
👉You can learn about and/or apply for The Sacred Leaders Program go here.
Sign up to my free Substack newsletter. You can do that here.
You can also DM me on Facebook or email me at
If we are not already friends on Facebook please friend me here.
If you loved this episode or the podcast in general, please share the love with your community. Share this link to The Intuitive Pull Podcast.
0:00 Intro
2:52 Giving myself permission to wear many hats because I'm a creative, I'm an empath, I'm an intuitive
3:54 We are nature. We are connected. I can hear the whisper of the trees talking to me
4:40 I do some voice work and I do some mentoring work with heart centred entrepreneurs
4:42 We all have a little person inside of us who has a tendency to want to keep us safe and small
6:1 I'm a multi potentialite
6:55 I've never felt more comfortable in my skin
8:08 My nervous system was wired in a way that I really didn't feel safe
8:47 I had massive fears of taking space, of expressing my truth, of of being myself
10:04 When you got really sick
11:28 Sometimes your heart wants some things, you've got to face the fear and move through them
13:17 And they wanted to do a surgery in Bali for 250,000 Australian and I was in terror
13:51 I had a near death experience
14:30 To lose your health like that in such a traumatic, terrifying way, and very quickly
17:34 I received so much love and compassion and support. And I'm like, all these people, they're a reflection of me
18:01 I am loved and I am love and I am lovable
18:13 My soul giave me this experience to really realise that I'm not alone and I'm loved and supported because I didn't have that belief
18:31 I didn't feel that I was worthy of love
19:48 I break a big cycle of the lineage saying no more, no more suffering
20:50 My story is called Liberate Your Heart and Activate Your Inner Healer
21:36 I would choose to be the creator that I am. I would choose to be happy
22:20 I say yes to life. I say yes to be happy. I say yes to money. I say yes to happiness
23:15 Self care is my priority number one
24:20 You were shown through that massive experience of being ill, how loved you are and that you are love
25:26 I've also downloaded the receive a modality that I've used hat's been super helpful for my clients and of course for myself
25:43 The voice tapping I've created
26:37 The energy that can be stuck in the body on the, or in the subconscious mind and, and reframing with something that's a lot more light and a lot more in alignment with the truth, the divine truth
27:05 Sacred power meditation, nine week meditation group from last year
27:44 What magic do you want to do with us?
28:10 Voice activation
29:49 And I love when people discover their voice, they activate their own voice
29:59 Sounding is healing
30:25 So how can people find out about you?

Tuesday May 07, 2024
Tuesday May 07, 2024
Join my guest Jen Mitchell, a Practical Mediumship Coach, Executive Coach, Business Strategy Consultant, and Speaker ... all in one!
Learn from Jen's experience of how she went from Exec Coach and Consultant to 'coming out' with her previous and private side hustle of Mediumship.
Jen will be holding an on-line event 'Leaning into the Mystery' on AEST 5 June at 6pm. This will be an evening of live readings, profound lessons and healing experiences designed to uplift your soul! You can book your tickets here.
If you've been tapped by Jen in this podcast you can also book into a personal Reading or Coaching with her here.
If you'd like to explore coaching with me.....
👉 You can learn about and/or apply for The Untapped Abundance 3 month Breakthrough Program or Untapped Abundance Mastermind here.
👉You can learn about and/or apply for The Sacred Leaders Program go here.
Sign up to my free Substack newsletter. You can do that here.
You can also DM me on Facebook or email me at
If we are not already friends on Facebook please friend me here.
If you loved this episode or the podcast in general, please share the love with your community. Share this link to The Intuitive Pull Podcast.
0:00 Intro
2:26 My real purpose in life is to magnify my own light and love and for people around me
2:34 25 years I’ve worked in the corporate world
2:52 I had an unpaid side hustle
2:57 I could see dead people
3:29 I would see groups of people and send them all to the light
3:35 My gift has developed so that I receive messages for very much alive people
3:45 Clear the way for them to live in their life and to have more wealth and abundance
4:45 When we outgrow our identity and don't even realise it until we do
5:55 Anything can happen when you're in being impeccable
6:50 Unboxing or climbing out of the corporate briefcase
7:40 A shift in identity
8:58 I discovered I could do mediumship work
9:40 It's the lineage and the blocks that people want cleared
10:33 Seen things for alive people and, and what has happened for them
11:11 Groomed the team, if you like, so help them clear their blocks
12:21 They were bored, they were overwhelmed and the self awareness that would come out of that
13:52 We had an event the other night up on the Gold Coast
14:00 We had 36 people how to how to receive messages for themselves
14:42 We have an event coming up
15:04 it will be the 5th of June, Sydney time, 5th of June at 6pm and the event is called leaning into the mystery
15:36 We'll be doing readings. So if there's somebody. That is supposed to be read for their past loved ones will actually present themselves and I'll be calling them forth
16:04 There'll be stories of how it actually works and how it clears blocks
17:09 What from your experience are the precursors to knowing this is not who I am anymore
17:58 I was on a treadmill and I was a little bit bored
19:13 We are becoming somebody else
20:07 It's not that you're getting rid of pieces or pushing more pieces in. Pieces come to the front, to the fore.
20:57 Working out which bits yeah, really a front and centre of life now
22:15 As more people start to embrace their intuition
24:11 It was very, very heartfelt. They're there because they want to find out something usually that their past loved ones are happy or why they were so why they made the choices they did in real life
24:38 When you're hearing messages about why the person was why they were like, or why they did what they did
26:11 Being centred and grounded to feel your gut, feel get messages. Who are your guides?
29:15 Just listen
29:38 Something's going to go off for the listeners and the viewers. They're going to make a connection
30:30 So 5th of June online at six o'clock for one and a half hours to two hours you will be doing some live readings

Saturday May 04, 2024
Saturday May 04, 2024
This episode speaks to the fundamental conversation I'm having at the moment - when you have outgrown your identity and don't even know it, until you do.
Listen or watch to identify if this is you through the symptoms and precursors I speak to that tell you that you're on the doorstep of the next generation of yourself, and therefore a new era of abundance and wealth.
This is a powerful episode fuelled with enormous intention for this to be the game changer you've been waiting for.
You can watch this episode on Youtube
If you'd like to explore coaching with me.....
👉 You can learn about and/or apply for The Untapped Abundance 3 month Breakthrough Program or Untapped Abundance Mastermind here.
👉You can learn about and/or apply for The Sacred Leaders Program go here.
Sign up to my free Substack newsletter. You can do that here.
You can also DM me on Facebook or email me at
If we are not already friends on Facebook please friend me here.
If you loved this episode or the podcast in general, please share the love with your community. Share this link to The Intuitive Pull Podcast.

Friday Apr 19, 2024
Friday Apr 19, 2024
Oh this week has been full of irony.
Allow this episode to inspire you to enter your own caves so that you can see that was has been seeking you will find you.
Listen or watch 😍 and let this transmission create some magic in your world.
You can watch on Spotify and on my The Intuitive Pull Podcast Playlist on Youtube
👉 I'd love to know what happens. DM me through FB Messenger or Insta.
👉 And let me know what your experience was with the podcast now being on video!
👉 Check out The Sacred Leaders on-line 3, 6 or 9 month program starting 1 May here.
Option 1 "Lift off" - Group only
Option 2 "To the moon and back" - Group + 1 on 1
If you'd like learn more about and/or apply for The Untapped Abundance Mastermind or 3 month program go here.
Sign up to my free Substack newsletter. You can do that here.
You can also DM me on Facebook or email me at
If we are not already friends on Facebook please friend me here.
If you loved this episode or the podcast in general, please share the love with your community. Share this link to The Intuitive Pull Podcast.
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Monday Apr 15, 2024
Monday Apr 15, 2024
Well this is exciting! Welcome to my very first video podcast! You'll be able to see it on Spotify for now!
This episode is a transmission that speaks to the theme 'You don't have to be so human all the time'.
Listen or watch 😍 and let this transmission create some magic in your world.
👉 I'd love to know what happens. DM me through FB Messenger or Insta.
👉 And let me know what your experience was with the podcast now being on video!
👉 Check out The Sacred Leaders on-line 3, 6 or 9 month program starting 1 May here.
Option 1 "Lift off" - Group only
Option 2 "To the moon and back" - Group + 1 on 1
If you'd like learn more about and/or apply for The Untapped Abundance Mastermind or 3 month program go here.
Sign up to my free Substack newsletter. You can do that here.
You can also DM me on Facebook or email me at
If we are not already friends on Facebook please friend me here.
If you loved this episode or the podcast in general, please share the love with your community. Share this link to The Intuitive Pull Podcast.
Send in a voice message:

Saturday Apr 06, 2024
Saturday Apr 06, 2024
Identify the season of leadership you're in as you listen to this episode so that you can surrender and be guided by its life force.
I also speak to the season of Summer that I have defined as 'The Season of Abundant Creation'.
And then let the energy of whatever season you're in to work its magic.
I'd love to know what happens. DM me through FB Messenger or Insta.
👉 Check out The Sacred Leaders on-line 3, 6 or 9 month program starting 1 May here.
Option 1 "Lift off" - Group only
Option 2 "To the moon and back" - Group + 1 on 1
If you'd like learn more about and/or apply for The Untapped Abundance Mastermind or 3 month program go here.
Sign up to my free Substack newsletter. You can do that here.
You can also DM me on Facebook or email me at
If we are not already friends on Facebook please friend me here.
If you loved this episode or the podcast in general, please share the love with your community. Share this link to The Intuitive Pull Podcast.
Send in a voice message:

Thursday Apr 04, 2024
Thursday Apr 04, 2024
In your personal growth journey, what's your motivating driver? Pain relief or Dharma and potential?
Once pain has been relieved, is the transformation complete? Do you check out? Or do you dive for more?
This a thought provoking episode that just may change the course of your life.
👉 Check out The Sacred Leaders on-line 3, 6 or 9 month program starting 1 May here.
Option 1 "Lift off" - Group only
Option 2 "To the moon and back" - Group + 1 on 1
If you'd like learn more about and/or apply for The Untapped Abundance Mastermind or 3 month program go here.
Sign up to my free Substack newsletter. You can do that here.
You can also DM me on Facebook or email me at
If we are not already friends on Facebook please friend me here.
If you loved this episode or the podcast in general, please share the love with your community. Share this link to The Intuitive Pull Podcast.
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